

Meet your workforce training needs with the School of Energy’s one-day credited courses. 要求, we provide training courses that are designed for anyone currently employed in the industry. 如果你没有看到你正在寻找的课程,给我们打电话. 我们提供定制培训!


井眼基本原理, 井口, 以及为租赁运营商(mso)设计和运营圣诞树, 现场技术人员, 消防车).  Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding 维护问题 以及潜在的故障, 指导基本操作和故障处理任务.

生产作业中分离器和储罐设计的基本原则. Includes standard terminology for effective communication regarding: principles of separation, 分离器组件, 预防性维护, and operational efficiencies; types of tanks, 法规遵从性, 维护问题, 以及油箱故障的原因.

Basic principles of the design and operation of a plunger lift system 及其与井口分离器的关系.  Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding incremental deliquification for maximum uplift, 维护问题, 以及潜在的故障.  通过理解和正确识别柱塞举升系统的设计和功能, 学生将能够执行基本操作和故障排除任务.

抽油机的设计和操作的基本原理, 及其与井口分离器的关系. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding 维护问题 以及潜在的故障.  By understanding and correctly identifying pumping unit (surface equipment and downhole insert pump) design and function, 学生将能够执行基本操作和故障排除任务.

气举设计和操作的基本原则. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding 维护问题 以及潜在的故障.  正确识别气举的设计和功能, students will be able to understand how to operate and perform basic troubleshooting for gas lift wells.

气体测量的设计和操作的基本原理. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding 维护问题 以及潜在的故障.  技能, 技术, and procedures to properly perform routine gas measurements and correctly document data to meet government regulations and company requirements. Additional topics: natural gas composition; types of meters; auxiliary equipment; sampling; inspection of measurement equipment; gas sales contracts & 不明的(幽灵)气体.

Basic principles of dehydration, dehydrator skid design, and operation for production operations. Includes standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding 维护问题 以及潜在的故障 of skid components. 介绍基本故障排除.

自动化设计和操作的基本原理. 确定自动化设备及其在井场的位置. Terminology to promote effective communication regarding troubleshooting 以及潜在的故障.  提供包括太阳能电池板在内的通用自动化组件的概述, RTU, 主人, 终端设备, 等. 包括自动化的基本原理和经济价值. 介绍数字万用表(DMM)的使用.

压缩的基本原理, and compressor skid design and operation for production operations; includes standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding 维护问题 以及潜在的故障 of skid components. 涵盖基本故障排除的设计和功能.

Basic theory of line locating including buried utility line and well location flow lines. Lecture and equipment training; students must be able to walk long distances, 包括陡坡.

电流流动的基础科学, 电压, 电阻, AC / DC电路, 无功负载, 阻抗, 以及发电的基本概念, 等.,包括基本的电气安全.

内燃机:燃烧特性, 贫燃和富燃发动机, 燃烧所需的3个主要成分, 等.

Basic compressor valve operation; how to use valves for optimization; includes repair and troubleshooting.

使用万用表, 测量工具/装置, 它的所有能力——欧姆, 电容, 电阻, AC / DC电压, 等. (使用Fluke 87万用表,学生也可以自备).

Chemical components of emissions; combustion control and emissions; emissions laws and standards; demonstrations and use of emissions analyzer.

如何读取精密测量仪器, 包括在里面, 外, 深度千分尺, 卡尺, 卷尺, 等.

典型采出水处理井及设备的基本设计与运行. Instruction provides students with standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding the injection well, operating and maintenance of the surface equipment in addition to storage tank issues 以及潜在的故障.

简要介绍压缩机在哪里以及如何被引入生产天然气. Covers compressor use to accelerate the movement of gas while providing increased pipeline and reduced gathering-system pressures from the 井口, 通过处理厂, 致“最终用户”.” Basics of identifying external components of, and operating, a 井口 compressor skid. Includes discovering downtime reasons and safely returning the compressor skid to full operations.

Course presents basic principles of improving operational efficiency by focusing on Two-stage Three-phase separators and the LPUD, understanding the flow through each and learning how the valves and controllers function as a system.  Students will gain an understanding of how control systems function and how to test them.  The course also focuses on winterization 技术 used to ensure operational efficiency during winter operations.

Course provides instruction on measurement methodologies and regulatory requirements for hydrocarbon storage tank liquids and natural gas measurement. 课程将包括API计算和测量液体和气体的规定. Students will be introduced to the economics of accurate and inaccurate measurement methods.

Basic design and operation of how to prevent internal and external corrosion issues for the Oil & 天然气工业. Instruction provides students with standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding the process of how corrosion is created and the operational and economic problems caused if it is not used.

Students will learn standard terminology for effective communication regarding witnessing and the resulting financial implications. 通过理解测量和见证技术, 学生将能够进行基本的检查和纠正. Course includes natural gas composition; meter construction; auxiliary equipment; sampling; inspection of equipment; and gas sales contracts.

Course presents basic principles of common types of valves and controllers found on a wellsite, 它们是如何工作和应用的.  学生将了解如何识别操作不当的症状, 常见的故障原因以及如何进行小的修理/调整.  They will also disassemble and assemble several types of controllers to facilitate their understanding of the repair, 阀门和控制器的维护和操作.

Course presents basic principles of common types of pressure and temperature controllers found on a wellsite, 它们是如何工作和应用的.  学生将了解如何识别操作不当的症状, 常见的故障原因以及如何进行小的修理/调整. They will also disassemble and assemble several types of controllers to facilitate their understanding of the repair, 设备的维护和操作.

本课程介绍租赁获取和开发成本的基本概念. The rates of return on investments are discussed as they pertain to a company’s strategy and economic health. The concept of the net present value of money and the future value of money is related to production and sales.

本课程介绍了石油和天然气工业中化学品使用的基本概念. The fundamental descriptions of several common chemical applications and how they work in field applications are discussed. 各种化学处理及其应用的基本描述.


m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.